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Motherhood Unboxing

Writer's picture: parentingandheelsparentingandheels

As you know, I struggled with adjusting to motherhood. I had the misconception that when I became a mom I had to give up everything....including who I was. I had put myself in a box (pretty sure I even duct taped it closed) and placed it on a shelf.

It wasn’t until God sent friends convinced me to take that box down and open it, that I realized it didn‘t have to be that way in order for me to be a good mom. On the contrary; I needed to do that to BE a good mom! If I had left myself on that shelf, I would have gotten burnt out on being a mom and not been able to be present for my kids. Just as couples need to have interests together AND separately, you as a mom need that as well!! Now I’m not saying parenting isn’t sacrifice because it most definitely is, but it doesn’t mean you leave everything you are and love behind to be a good parent.

I know there are those of you who are saying, ”I don’t have time for myself.“ “I don’t have outside help with the kids.” Thats ok!! This isn’t one of those posts that’s preaching that you get out by yourself (although that is always a bonus!)

Wether you have biological children, children from a previous marriage or have adopted children, they are all going to be a little creation of you. You are the one who cares for them and loves them and subsequently putting a piece of yourself into them. They are going to love the things you love or at least some of the things you love. Think of the things you love and incorporate your passions into your child‘s lives.

-Do you love cooking? Have them cook with you from time to time. Even the smallest child can do this. You measure and they dump the ingredients, or they can help mix.

-If you love gardening have them help you plant seeds and water them to watch things grow.

-If you love fashion, let them pick out even the wildest outfits and do a fashion show together.

-Do you love reading? Take them to the library. Most libraries have story times that are great for all ages, or take turns picking out books. Audrey surprised me so much when I suggested we do this. We picked out some children’s books then went to the “grown-up” section to pick some out for me. Instead of being bored like I thought she would she actually asked the librarian where the fashion books were and picked out some of her own big girl books!

Whatever it is that you love, there‘s a way to enjoy them WITH your kids. No it won’t be the same as when you did things before kids. It’s better!!! You are passing on your passions to these little beings that you are helping shape and grow! How amazing is that!?!😄 Take yourself off that shelf and out of its box and share yourself with those little humans. They may even surprise you with how much they want to learn about what you love!!💕

*If you have a hobby or passion you don’t know how to go about sharing with your kids, please message me, and I’ll help you with ideas!!*


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